Friday, November 9, 2007


Article 1
Name. The name of this organization shall be the Rotaract Club of Metro Surigao District 3860 Zone 1B

Article 2
Purpose and Goals. The purpose of Rotaract is to provide an opportunity for young men and women to enhance the knowledge and skills that will assist them in personal development, to address the physical and social needs of their communities, and to promote better relations between all people worldwide through a framework of friendship and service.
The goals of Rotaract are: 1. To develop Professional and leadership skills; 2. To emphasize respect for the rights of others, based on recognition of the worth of each individual; 3. To recognize the dignity and value of all useful occupations as opportunities to serve; 4. To recognize, practice, and promote ethical standards as leadership qualities and vocational responsibilities; 5. To develop knowledge and understanding of the needs, problems and opportunities in the community and worldwide; 6. To provide opportunities for personal and group activities to serve the community and promote international understanding and goodwill toward all people.

Article 3
Sponsorship. Rotary Club Sponsor :
1. The sponsor of this Rotaract club is the Rotary Club of South Cagayan de Oro which, through a committee of not less than five Rotarians, shall provide guidance and have supportive responsibility for this Rotaract club. The continued well-being of this club shall depend on the continued active personal participation of the sponsoring Rotary club. 2. The club shall include on all of its stationary the name of its sponsoring Rotary club. 3. The basis of organization shall be young men and women residing, employed, or studying anywhere in the vicinity of the sponsoring Rotary club.Where a university of other institution of higher education is located within the vicinity of the sponsoring Rotary club, the student body of each institution may also be a basis of organization. This club is not a part of, and neither this club nor its members have nay right or privileges with respect to, the sponsoring Rotary club. 4. This club is a non-political, non-sectarian organization. 5. In the event that the sponsoring Rotary club is terminated, the governor of the Rotary district will seek to install another sponsoring Rotary club; if one cannot be found withint 120 days, the Rotaract club will be terminated.

Article 4
MembershipMembership Qualifications:
1. The membership of this club shall consist of young men and women of good character and leadership potential between the ages of 18 and 30.* 2. The method of electing members of this club shall be determined by this club in consultation with the sponsoring Rotary club. The method of electing new members of university-based** Rotaract clubs shall have the approval of the appropriate authorities. 3. Each member of this Rotaract club shall attend at least 60% of the club's regularly scheduled meetings annually, provided that absence from a regularly scheduled meeting of the lcub may be made up as follows; any member absent from a regular meeting of this club may make up such absence by attendance at a regular meeting of any other Rotaract club on any day or the two weeks immediately preceding or following the day of absence. 4. All Rotary Foundation scholars, who are within the age guidelines adopted by the board for the Rotaract program, shall be eligible for guest Rotaract club membership during the period of their study in another country. * On 30 June of the Rotaract year in which the member becomes 30 years old his/her Rotaract membership will end. ** As used in this constitution, the term "university" is intended to include al institutions of higher education. 5. Membership shall automatically terminate: a) upon failure to meet attendance requirements unless excused by the board of directors of this club for good and sufficient reason or b) by termination of the club or c) on 30 June of the Rotaract year in which the member becomes 30 years old. 6. Membership may be terminated: a) upon failure to continue to meet the qualification for membership, or b) for cause, as determined by this club by vote of not less than 2/3 of all the members in good standing.

Article 5
MeetingsBimonthly Meetings:
1. The club shall meet not less than twice per month, as provided in the by-laws, at a time and place suited to the convenience of the members. 2. The board of directors shall meet as provided in the by-laws. 3. Rotary International requires each sponsoring Rotary club to designate one or more members of its club to attend the meeting(s) of its Rotaract club(s) at least once a month. 4. Meetings of the club and of the board of directors may be cancelled during holiday or vacation periods at the discretion of the board of directors, provided that notice is given to the soring Rotary club and the district Rotaract representative. 5. Minutes of the meetings of the club and board of directors shall be provided to the chairman of the sponsor Rotary club's Rotaract committee within two weeks after each meeting is held.

Article 6
Officers and DirectorsGoverning Body:
1. The officers of the club shall be a president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer and such additional' officer(s)as may be provided in the by-laws. 2. The governing body of this club shall be a board of directors composed of the president, immediate past president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, and additional directors whose number shall be determined by this club, all to be elected from among the members in good standing. All decisions, policies, and actions of the board and of the club shall be subject to the provisions of this constitution and policy established by Rotary International and its members. If university-based, this club shall be subject to the same regulations and policies established by the appropriate authorities for all student organizations and extracurricular activities of the university. The board of directors shall have general control over all officers and committees and may, for food cause, declare any office vacant. It shall constitute a board of appeals form the rulings of all officers and actions of all committees. 3. Elections of officers and directors shall be held annually prior to 1 March by methods compatible with local customs and procedures, but in no case shall more than simple majority of the members present and in good standing be required for elections. All Rotaract club presidents and district representatives who reach the age of 30 during the term of office may serve one additional year as immediate past president or immediate past district representative, to provide continuity in leadership. The term of office of all officers and directors shall be one year. No provisions shall be made for a term of office shorter than one year except with the written permission of Rotary International. 4. All incoming Rotaract club officers, directors, and committee chairmen shall be provided with leadership training form the district Rotaract committee* in conjunction with the RI district Rotaract committee.**

Article 7
Activities and ProjectsObjective:
1. Within the limits prescribed in Section 1 of Article III this club shall be responsible for planning, organizing, financing, and conducting its own activities and shall itself supply money, manpower, and creative imagination necessary thereto, except in the case of joint projects or activities undertaken in cooperation with other organizations. Such responsibility shall be shared with such other organization(s).2. This club shall undertake among its activities at least two major service projects annually, one to serve the community and the other to promote international understanding, and each shall involve all or most of the members of the club. 3. This club shall provide for a professional development program for its members. 4. It is the responsibility of the club to raise the funds necessary to carry out its program. It shall not solicit or accept more than occasional or incidental financial assistance from the sponsoring Rotary club, nor shall it make general solicitation from Rotary clubs other than its sponsoring Rotary club or from other Rotaract clubs; nor shall it solicit financial assistance from individuals, businesses, or organizations in the community without giving something of value in return. All funds raised for service projects must be expended for that purpose. *Dstrict Rotaract committee (composed of Rotaractors) **RI district Rotaract committee (composed of Rotarians).

Article 8
Committees 1. There shall be provided in the by-laws of this club the following standing committees: club service, international service, community service, professional development, finance, and such other standing committees as may be deemed necessary or convenient for the administration of the club. 2.The president, with the approval of the board, may appoint such special committees, as he may deem necessary, citing their duties at the time of appointment. All such special committees shall lapse upon the completion of their duties, upon discharge by the appointing president, or with the end of his term of office, whichever occurs first.

Article 9
Fees and Dues l. Each Rotaract club or its sponsoring Rotary club upon organization shall be required to pay an RI Rotaract organization fee equivalent to US$20 with their "Rotaract Club Organization List" hich will cover Rotaract dues payment for the first Rotary year or part of a year.2. Each Rotaract club or its sponsoring Rotary club shall be required to pay annual RI Rotaract dues equivalent to US$20 through the district Rotaract representative.3. All Rotaract clubs which fail to remit annual RI Rotaract dues shall be terminated on an annual basis.4. Any fees, dues, or assessments on the membership of the club shall be nominal and shall only be for the purpose of meeting the administrative costs of the club. Funds for activities and projects undertaken by the club shall be raised apart from such fees, dues, or assessments. A thorough audit by a qualified person shall be made once each year of all club's financial transactions.

Article 10
Acceptance of Constitution and By-Laws. Constitution: Every member of the club, by acceptance of membership, thereby accepts the principles of Rotaract as expressed in its purpose and goals and agrees to comply with the constitution and by-laws of this club, and on these conditions alone is entitled to the privileges of the club. No member shall be absolved from the observance of the constitution and by-laws on the plea that a copy of them has not been received.

Article 11
Standard By-Laws The club shall adopt the "Standard Rotaract Club By-Laws," together with such amendments as are not inconsistent with the constitution and which may be deemed necessary or convenient for the government of the club, provided that such amendments are adopted in accordance with the amendment procedure prescribed in the "Standard Rotaract Club By-Laws".

Article 12
Rotaract Emblem. 1. The Rotaract emblem shall be preserved for the exclusive use and benefit of Rotaract club members. Each member of this club shall be entitled to wear or otherwise display the Rotaract emblem in a dignified and appropriate manner during the period of membership. Such entitlement shall be relinquished upon termination of membership or termination of this club. 2. When displayed by individual club members, the emblem may be used without further information. When the emblem is used to represent a club, the name of the club should appear with the emblem.

Article 13
Duration. Duration of Club: This club shall exist so long as it continues to function in accordance with the provisions of this constitution and of Club policy relating to Rotaract established by Rotary International, or until it is terminated: a) by this club upon its own determination and action, b) by the sponsoring Rotary club upon withdrawal of its sponsorship, after consultation with the district governor and district Rotaract representative, or c) by Rotary International for failure to function in accordance with this constitution or for other cause.Upon termination of this club, all rights and privileges relating to the Rotaract name and emblem shall be relinquished by the club and by its members individually and collectively.

Article 14
Administration. Amendment: The constitution may be amended only by the Board of Directors of Rotary International and all amendments to the "Standard Rotaract Club Constitution" adopted by the Board of Directors of Rotary International shall automatically amend the Constitution.

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