Sunday, September 9, 2007


How can I join a Rotaract Club?
Begin by contacting a nearby Rotaract or Rotary club to find meeting location, dates, and times. If you can't find information for local clubs, contact RI staff, or look in local or college campus directories.

Why should our Rotary club sponsor a Rotaract club?
Organizing a Rotaract club is one of the most rewarding community activities a Rotary club can undertake. The Rotaract program gives Rotarians the opportunity to mentor dynamic young men and women who want to provide service in their local and global communities. Rotarians also will serve as resources for Rotaractors who will become tomorrows parents, business professionals, and community leaders. In turn, a Rotaract club can bring new energy to a Rotary club, inspire fresh ideas for service, increase support to projects, and spread knowledge of Rotary to other sectors of the community. Rotaractors, with the experience they gain through this Rotary program, make exceptional future Rotarians.

What exactly does a Rotaract club do?
Rotaract clubs organize a variety of projects and activities, depending on the interests of the club members. However, three main areas of focus include professional development, leadership development, and service projects (both locally and internationally). Together, these areas ensure clubs have a balanced service program while providing opportunities for the personal development. It is important to remember that Rotaract, like Rotary, is diverse, and each club acquires unique qualities, depending where in the world it is established.

Is there a difference between community-based and university-based Rotaract clubs?The Although both approaches to Rotaract club organization have proven successful in various parts of the world, there are some key differences. You may wish to speak with Rotarians involved with each type of program to learn which type has been successful for them and why. Also, consider the interests of members and your communitys potential. Typically, community-based clubs are open to all members of the community who are between the ages of 18-30. They can be "young professionals" or a combination of students and professionals. It is important for a Rotarian or a committee of Rotarians to serve as the liaison between the clubs. University-based clubs are sponsored in conjunction with a local college or university. The Rotary club should work within the schools regulations regarding student organizations and extra-curricular activities. The club may need a faculty advisor, but a Rotarian liaison also is important. If there is a Rotarian on the faculty, staff, or board of a local college, that person often makes a good advisor.

Where do we find young people to join Rotaract?
Young adults aged 18-30 are everywhere. First consider finding potential Rotaractors at local community colleges, universities and technical training schools. Sons, daughters, or other family members of Rotarians, employees and interns of Rotarians, former Interactors, Youth Exchange participants, Ambassadorial Scholars, Group Study Exchange alumni, and RYLA participants also are perfect candidates. Lastly, consider the young people you know from local places of worship, community centers, and fitness clubs.

What policies does our Rotaract club need to follow?
The Rotaract Statement of Policy and Standard Rotaract Constitution and By-laws, created by the RI Board of Directors, include details on membership, club leadership and organization, fees and dues, and Rotaract activities at the district, multidistrict, and international levels. These guidelines have been adopted to give all Rotaract clubs a uniform structure. It is the responsibility of the Rotaract and sponsoring Rotary club to ensure that the policies are met. Beyond the RI policies, each Rotaract club is self-governing and self-supporting, working with the sponsoring Rotary club as needed.

What support do Rotaract clubs receive from Rotary International?
Once the Rotaract club is chartered, it is entered into Rotary Internationals member database. Then, the Rotaract club and its sponsoring Rotary club will begin receiving Rotaract updates, the Worldwide Rotaract Directory and Rotaract News. Rotary International also provides a number of useful online resources.The highlight of the Rotaract year is the annual Rotaract Pre-Convention Meeting, which is incorporated into the Rotary International Convention. RI staff, in conjunction with the RI Rotaract Committee, plans an exciting program, giving Rotaractors and Rotarians from around the world the opportunity to join together, share ideas and discuss issues.

How can our Rotaract club make contacts within our Rotary district and beyond?
Within each Rotary district, Rotaract clubs usually implement a district structure that often includes a district Rotaract chairperson (a Rotarian appointed to oversee Rotaract) and a district Rotaract representative (a Rotaractor elected from the district). Chairpersons and representatives are responsible for promoting the program, facilitating communication, and disseminating information among all Rotaract and sponsoring Rotary clubs. Begin by contacting your chairperson and representative for more information about things going on in your district. Making contacts with Rotaract clubs outside of your district can begin in a variety of ways, but one place to start is by using the Worldwide Rotaract Directory, distributed each August by Rotary International. Each active, chartered Rotaract club receives a copy by mail. To find contact information for your district Rotaract chairperson or district Rotaract representative, request a directory, or find out about Rotaract in a specific place, contact RI staff.

How can I become a member of the RI Rotaract Committee?
Rotaractors interested in serving on the RI Rotaract Committee should have a Rotarian write to the RI president-elect recommending him or her as a worthy candidate. All committee appointments are made at the discretion of the president-elect.

Can past Rotaractors become Rotarians?
Absolutely. Rotary clubs are encouraged to view former Rotaractors as potential Rotarians and to periodically review Rotaract club membership to look for possible candidates. Also, Rotaract clubs are encouraged to develop a list of club members who may potentially fulfill a Rotary classification. Clubs also should maintain a list of past and present members, noting their particular interest in Rotary service projects. These lists should be shared with the sponsoring Rotary club.

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